For the past couple months I've been working on a small project that allows users to integrate ray traced shadows in an OpenGL C++ application through Vulkan. It generates a screen space shadow texture that's exported to OpenGL using external memory handles (for now Windows only, though I do believe that Vulkan has enums for Linux memory export). Having implemented basic shadow mapping and CSM in other personal projects I wanted to do this short write-up to share my thoughts and findings on old and new shadow techniques. We'll only be looking at single directional light techniques, so no local lights. Don't worry if you don't understand everything in this post, it's meant to show the disadvantages of shadow mapping compared to ray tracing and rant about my implementation, not a tutorial. Shadow Mapping I think that a single shadow map's biggest benefit is ease of setup in a rasterized renderer: Rendered depth from the lights' point of view You render th...